Censored News
Photos by Brenda Norrell
On the Crow Nation at Wellknown Buffalo, in the valley of the Little Bighorn, the non-profit Center Pole, has a great new coffee shop with espresso, art classes and programs for Crow children, and even a Thrift Store.
Wellknown Buffalo is named after Peggy's grandmother who welcomed people here to water their horses and share food and water on their journeys. Wellknown Buffalo grew her own crops and was fiercely independent here, in the valley below the Little Bighorn. Today, Peggy Wellknown Buffalo has created this coffee shop, along with the children's programs and Thrift Store, carrying on in the spirit of her grandmother, welcoming humanity, with the special purpose of creating new visions for Crow children. The new Crow Voices Radio has just started, with technical help from Govinda at Earthcycles, and support from the Seventh Generation Fund. Already, local Crow are beginning radio programs. Thank you to all of you a special place and a grand spirit!
Read more about Center Pole: http://sites.google.com/site/thecenterpole/Home/about-us