Tata Cecilio Sucuc |
Article and photo by Brenda Norrell
Censored News
NEW TOWN, North Dakota -- Speaking on the vital connection with the natural energies around us, Tata Cecilio Tuyuc Sucuc, Faithkeeper of the Maya Calendar in Guatemala, spoke of the true role of mathematicians and the ceremonies being held in preparation for December of 2012.
Tuyuc spoke of the need to use traditional seeds and prepare in ceremony for what is ahead, during an interview at the 16th Annual Protecting Mother Earth Gathering of the Indigenous Environmental Network, July 28-31, 2011.
Indigenous Peoples gathered for four days to strategize in their fight to protect Mother Earth and halt the environmental destruction on Indian lands, from the Tar Sands in Canada to mining on the Wixarika (Huichole) sacred land in Mexico to coal-fired power plants and uranium mining targeting Indian lands.
The devastation was obvious as Indigenous Peoples arrived here in the thick dust of trucks and tankers, flaring gas wells and polluted air, water and land, the result of 300 oil and gas wells on the land of the Mandan, Hidatsa and Arikara, Three Affiliated Tribes, in North Dakota. Native Americans here appealed for help to halt the 3,000 oil and gas wells planned for the next five years.
Tuyuc spoke first on the food crisis that has hit hard the Maya and other peoples of Central America. Climate change has caused great droughts and crop failures, as storms continue to increase on both coasts, the Atlantic and Pacific.
Tuyuc described how the Maya are creating seed banks and opposing genetically-modified seeds. “Food is the basis of life, food and water. Without food which has all the nutrients, we can’t be healthy.” Tuyuc, among those educating other Maya about genetically modified seeds, said because of the importance of this message, he went through great difficulties to come to the United States. It is his first time in this part of the world and he came to speak on food sovereignty.
“We are working with our own resources. We are conserving our seeds, the original seeds of our people.” Tuyuc said Maya are working not just to protect their traditional seeds, but to rid themselves of chemical fertilizer, because this would continue the destruction of their seeds.
He said the need is to grow their own seeds with organic fertilizer in order to avoid contamination.In order to share this education, Maya are holding gatherings to show a film to communities and organizations in Central America.
“This is our path in relation to taking care of our seeds. If we guarantee that we have seeds, we guarantee that we have life.”
“From our heirloom seeds, we have our food. If we have our food, we can attend to everything else we need to in life.”
“When we take care of our seeds, we are actually taking care of our lives.”
Pointing out that Maya are called “People of corn,” he said, “Many families in the south don’t need to buy seeds, because they are taking care of their seeds.” However elsewhere, people who change from traditional seeds to genetically modified seeds have to buy their seeds year after year. This is a major expense and makes them dependent on a multi-national company.
“We want to live in harmony with Mother Earth. She is who gives us all of life, and it begins with the food, with the seeds."
When asked about his role as a mathematician, he said this knowledge belongs to all the Maya people. “What I do is to facilitate. I make the effort to unite ideas.” He said to be a Maya mathematician “is to re-codify the symbols, recognizing the signs, and to be able to fortify the count of time. It includes the observance of space, the way Mother Earth is now active.”
In order to further the development of logical thought, he said there needs to be an energetic feeling with Mother Earth, a feeling that is contrary to logical thoughts. Energetic thought, with everything around you, is needed rather than to think about logical reasoning.
“The energetic connection is to act in agreement with the energy of the animals, energy of the plants, energy of the minerals, energy of the stars, energy of the Sacred Fire, with Grandfather Sun, Grandmother Moon, all of the air and the water.”
“From this vision, I am doing my mathematical exercise. It is much more than numbers. We’re looking for balance. We are looking for harmony."
“If we have connection with everything around us, this is mathematicals: Astronomy, Agriculture, expression of art, the resolution of social conflict and everything else.”
He said the year 2012 is a “moment to reflect on, to think about the way we behave on the Mother Earth and to become aware.”
It is time to connect with Mother Earth.
“Many people have said that 2012 is going to be an end to the world, as Maya we don’t see this as the end of the world. We see this as a moment, an opportunity, to have a new consciousness, to connect us with the energy of everything around us.”
“Because of this we should not stay sleeping. We should look for the energetic connection of everything around us.”
He spoke of the need to continue the ceremonies in the energetic power spots.
“It could be in your house, in the hills, mountains or next to springs. It can be done at the lake, ocean, or by the rivers.”
“All of the Indigenous have given thanks, asked for pardon and asked for life.” To receive the energy for the next day depends on this connection with the places where energy is stored.
“We human beings are in connection with the energy of everything around us. We walk in that same direction, looking for the balance and harmony.” He said in this moment Maya have initiated 40 ceremonies leading up to the end date.
“We’re continuing the sacred calendar dates, which is an articulation of the agricultural calendar. This is the Calendar of the Long Count.”
“We have programmed 40 ceremonies. These are being celebrated every 20 days, according to our calendar, and also with the ceremonies of the equinox and solstice.” He said they have held five of the ceremonies so far, and the sixth will be carried out in the Yucatan.
“We achieve the connection with the Grandfather Sun,” he said, adding that the ceremonies are being held in Belize, Mexico and Guatemala.
“We’re visiting distinct energetic centers, which allow us to fortify ourselves on this path we are walking.” He said they want to unite with spiritual leaders from all over the world on Dec. 21 and 22 of 2012.
“For those who are able to do this, we are inviting you to come. If you can not come, you can do this in your house, or in the center of your region, inviting the people who wish to participate.”
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