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Building My Own Salon

In the 17th and 18th centuries, there was a cultural phenomenon in France where people met in the salon (reception hall) of a noble's mansion to discuss intellectual matters; politics, philosophy, literature, and so on. Salons are often credited with the early rise of feminism and the transition away from court life towards the concept of a public sphere, public interest, and the interests of the people as a whole having meaning beyond the interests of the monarch.

The bringing a large quantity of smart creative people together has it's own unique virtue that cannot be matched by solitary work in the ivory tower.

Google+ has enabled me to build my own Salon.

I can fill the room with the thoughts of the talented, creative, and energetic people of the world. People directly interested in the RPG hobby, but also video gamers, board gamers, artists, writers, and designers of all sorts.

I can leave the navel-gazing morons behind.

This is.... good.