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Rebroadcast of Protecting Mother Earth Gathering North Dakota 2011

Indigenous Peoples gather to halt devastation from mining, tar sands, oil and gas wells and other environmental destruction now causing global warming and climate change

By Brenda Norrell
Censored News
Photos: A group from the Gathering at the Earth Lodge of the Mandan, Hidatsa and Arikara. Earthcycles/Censored News media intern Marisa Joseph Ihanktonwan Dakota (Yankton)

CROW NATION, Montana -- The rebroadcast of the 16th Annual Protecting Mother Earth Gathering, held July 28-31, 2011, on the land of the Mandan, Hidatsa and Arikara in North Dakota, began this morning, Wed., Aug. 3, on Crow Voices Radio in Montana. Kandi Mossett, Mandan, Hidatsa and Arikara Nations, began and spoke of how her 23-year-old friend was killed by one of the trucks here, where oil and gas drilling has devastated the Mandan, Hidatsa and Arikara Nations. Describing the deaths and destruction, Kandi said, "No amount of money will replace my friends.

On Fort Berthold, also known as the Three Affiliated Tribes, in North Dakota, 3,000 oil and gas wells are planned for the next five years. Already there are 300 gas and oil wells here, with constant trucks, dust and gas flaring, as the land, water and air are poisoned.

Kandi urged everyone to call the Fort Berthold BIA to protest and halt the planned oil and gas wells. "We can not drink oil," she said. Kandi asked for people to call Earl Silk, Fort Berthold BIA 701-627-4707, and tell him the lands are already being destroyed by oil and gas drilling.

The highlights of the Indigenous Environmental Network's Gathering include speakers Chief Arvol Looking Horse, 19th Generation Keeper of the original Sacred White Buffalo Calf Pipe of the Lakota, Ponca Casey Camp and Faithkeeper Oren Lyons joining by telephone. Anishinabe water walker Josephine Mandamin speaks on walking around the Great Lakes.

Western Shoshone Chet Stevens brought the fire from the 15th Annual Gathering, which was kept burning during the 16th Annual Gathering. Mandan, Hidatsa and Arikara hosted the gathering, including Kandi Mosset and Loren White, Jr.

Environmental activists speaking include Clayton Thomas Muller speaking on halting the tar sands and the pipeline destined for the US Gulf Coast, Faith Gemmill, Gwich'in/Pit River on halting oil destruction in Alaska, Nikke Alex on media, with IEN director Tom Goldtooth and Jihan Gearon, Navajo.

Maya from Guatemala describe the art and necessity of saving traditional seeds and the ceremonies for the end of the year of 2012. Wixarika (Huicholes) urge solidarity to halt the mining of Canada's Majestic Silver Corp. which has targeted their sacred mountains for destruction. Kelvin Long, Navajo, is interviewed about projects in northern Arizona. The Native Youth Movement describes living sustainable lives in earth lodges, with gathering and hunting, while protesting development on sacred lands in BC.

Jimbo Simmons, Choctaw, shares his experiences at Glen Cove and his efforts as a member of the Free Palestine Movement to join the Flotilla that would have gone to Gaza in June. Alberto Salamando speaks on the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. Bradley Angel from Greenaction describes the new hoaxes of Greenwashing targeting Indian country.

Houma Chief Brenda Dardar Robichaux was among those attending and shared the devastation from the BP oil spill on the Gulf Coast. Delegations arrived at the Gathering from the far north in Canada, Los Angeles, the Navajo Nation, Arizona in the Southwest. Others came from Alaska and BC. Joe Hill, Seneca, was among those from the northeast. The Gathering included a cultural night in the earth lodge village, a talent show on Friday night and a powwow on Saturday night at the Four Bear Campground in New Town, North Dakota.
Listen on Crow Voices Radio today, Wed., Aug. 3, 2011
The audios are now available on Earthcycles:
More information at the Indigenous Environmental Network:
Photos and articles at Censored News: