Fantasia Barrino
Troubled "American Idol" singer, Fantasia Barrino, is pregnant again, for married mobile phone sales man, Antwaun Cook. Barrino aborted his child last year, then tried to commit suicide, when he kept going back to his wife, Paula Cook, who is the mother of his two children.
Fantasia Barrino
Rather than break off the illicit relationship, Barrino persuaded Cook to move in with her and has become pregnant by a man that she is buying with gifts, cash and a lavish lifestyle. Cook's wife is understandably distressed and voiced her displeasure at Barrino destroying her marriage.
Antwaun Cook and his two sons with wife Paula Cook
Barrino is making a big mistake, as time will show. Cook clearly loved and supported his wife, going to work to help care for their family. Now he is using Barrino to live like a rich man and she is convincing herself it is something more.
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